What sets Minerva Health apart from other
screening offerings?
Consultant Led
Our service is designed, led, and overseen by a consultant who works carefully to train our doctors to provide an individualised assessment for each patient.
Specialist Access
In the Hermitage Clinic we are privileged to work closely with consultants in disciplines such as cardiology, gastroenterology, and radiology. Their expertise and professionalism are available to all our Minerva Health clients should they be needed. We can also provide access to expert coaches in physical exercise, nutrition and emotional / mental health who can assist in achieving the objectives identified in your plan. Our vision is to provide the complete journey from screening to diagnosis to treatment should it be required.
Patient Specific
We recognise that there is no one size fits all approach to Executive Medicals, so we ask each patient to fill out a detailed questionnaire prior to their consultation. This allows us to analyse each person’s unique risk profile and history in advance so we can plan which elements to focus on in the consultation. This analysis is of overall health, evaluating the physical, nutritional and emotional wellbeing of each individual.
Holistic Lifestyle Medicine Approach
We appreciate the roles that sleep, stress, society, diet, and exercise play in our lives and engage with our patients to prioritise these areas in their lives. We provide patients with a risk rating / score using the most up to date risk categorisations in these areas, for example the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Each participant receives an Individualised Action Plan, and we do a follow up call 3 months after your consultation to see how you are progressing with your plan.